Work Experience

Software Engineer Intern

June 2022 - August 2022

Human Interest

• Implemented a chat support feature by integrating the CX Cloud Software into 2 UIs to improve quality of customer service

• Granted users access to inclusive genders options by remodeling internal tools and frontend inputs to allow for users to self identify

• Designed a new database schema for self-identifiable genders and migrated 10000+ existing data to fit new gender schema

• Designed an interactive balance history chart component that uses GraphQL resolvers to query and calculate user performances given a specified time range, and visualized the data by utilizing VictoryChart library in Typescript

• Increased the integrated test coverage for 5 new features by implementing tests in ChaiJS and Cypress Testing Library

Typescript | GraphQL | NodeJS | PostgreSQL

Undergraduate Student Instructor

August 2021 - Present

University of California, Berkeley

• Hosted 2 weekly sections for 60+ students in EECS 16A (Designing Information Systems & Devices I) about linear algebra and circuit design.

• Led staff meetings to tailor course content to the student demographic by walking through the difficulty of the exams and lab content

• Achieved targeted course timeline by devising and grading exam questions, and providing 1000+ students with feedback in a timely fashion

• Assisted in lab content development in transitioning from Launchpad to Arduino using Jupyter Notebook and C

Python | LaTeX | Arduino

Academic Intern

June 2021 - August 2021

University of California, Berkeley

• Provided 30+ students with personalized guidance and academic support for daily lab sections in CS61BL (Data Structures)

• Taught topics including object-oriented programming, data structures, version control, time complexity, graph traversal, and sorting algorithms

• Organized small-group exam review sessions by devising potential exam questions using frequently confounded concepts and past exams


Personal Projects


A web-app currently used by 6 under-served school districts in the East Bay. Current provides 100+ students in ANova mentorship programs with access to curated computer science content, and keeps track of attendance, student notes, and past lessons.

ReactJS | NodeJS | PostgreSQL


A web-portal for the Taiwanese American Student Association that queries and sorts through Venmo transactional data using Venmo API. Allows for keyword and date range searches that would filter the data. Saved the Treasurer 20+ hours of manual labor.

Python | HTML | CSS | SQLite3

Java VCS

A version control system similar to that of Git. Implemented commands such as .add, .commit, .branch, .checkout, .merge, etc.. Utilized OOP to keep track of the relationship between commits and files that are tracked. Used hashes to ensure commit uniqueness.
